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Maximizing Efficiency in Portable Sanitation: The Role of Pumps for Pressure Washers

Maximizing Efficiency in Portable Sanitation: The Role of Pumps for Pressure Washers

When it comes to cleaning portable sanitation units, time is of the essence and water is at a premium. It’s not unheard of for a single truck to service more than 100 units a day. The right pump for pressure washers makes a world of difference in overall efficiency by influencing the time to clean and refill each unit, amongst other common causes of downtime. When designing our newest pressure washer pump, The Deuce, we took careful stock of the most common time-sucks in the industry and explored how we could blow those out of the water.

How do Pumps for Pressure Washers Affect Efficiency?

There are several aspects of the portable sanitation cleaning process that can be drastically improved with the right pump. Believe it or not, a pump for pressure washers doesn’t have to reach extraordinary pressures to effectively clean portable sanitation units. In fact, extreme psi tends to atomize the water droplets, drastically reducing their surface area. It’s this surface area that does the dirty work and the smaller the area the longer it will take to completely clean the surface. Flow rate, on the other hand, can really make a difference in the time it takes to get through each unit. Too much flow and you run the risk of running out of water and having to take a costly trip to refill. However, too little and you’ll end up taking even longer to get through each unit. 

After much experimentation, the Pumptec engineers determined that the best pump for pressure washers is calibrated to a higher flow rate but at medium pressure. This maximizes the water’s surface area and drastically improves impact force, providing a much more thorough cleaning, quicker than other pumps currently on the market. In fact, The Deuce has proven itself to shave a full minute to a minute and a half off of the time it takes to clean and fill each portable sanitation and handwashing unit. When you’re talking about 100 plus units a route, those minutes really add up to valuable time savings. 

Pumps Designed with Water Conservation in Mind

Nothing tanks efficiency like running out of water halfway through the shift. When a pressure washer powers through gallons of water a minute, it’s vital to make each pass as effective as possible and have methods in place to divert water back to the tank, such as bypass regulators, preventing unnecessary water loss. The combination of high flow, medium pressure, and bypass regulator ensures that water goes exactly where it needs to, nowhere it doesn’t, and reduces the overall amount of water required to properly clean and refill the units. The Deuce, for example, is a powerful portable sanitation pump that can rapidly power through over 100 units, including refilling them to required levels, on a single 1,000-gallon truck, preventing mid-day tank refills.

The Deuce Does the Heavy Lifting

Another silent efficiency killer that the right pump can fix is worker fatigue and the increasing time it takes to luge those 45-pound buckets of water to refill the cleaned houses or hand washing stations. Even if water trucks are equipped with an additional hose for refilling, it takes time and effort to haul a second line. The Deuce offers an innovative solution as a two-in-one wash-down and refill pump. Technicians simply open the flow valve, letting the nozzle hang at the end of the hose while the pump produces 5 gallons of water a minute for rapid refilling. No more back-breaking bucket hauling or repetitive line runs, just spray down, fill up, and move on to the next.

To learn more about how Pumptec’s newest pump for pressure washers can enhance the efficiency of your portable sanitation operations, please contact the experts at Pumptec today.

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